Friday Five: Q&A with ‘Freezing Reign’ author L.A. Goff

‘Your first book will be less than perfect. Write it anyway.’

L.A. Goff photo
L.A. Goff, author of ‘Freezing Reign’

Continuing this blog’s highlight of women writers during Women’s History Month, today’s Friday Five Q&A is with L.A. Goff, author of the dystopian thriller Freezing Reign and another writer from my area. Freezing Reign is Goff’s debut novel and the first in a series. A self-described “reformed journalist who discovered it’s more fun to create new worlds than report on this one,” Goff has extensive experience in non-fiction as well.

1. What inspired you to start writing fiction?

My inspiration to write began with the Encyclopedia Brown books I loved as a child. Most writers are voracious readers at heart. I was a journalism major at Mizzou (University of Missouri-Columbia), learning all about the inverted pyramid structure and “getting to the point” when telling a story. That quick pace is still a part of my style.  

2. What is the inspiration behind your debut novel, Freezing Reign? 

It all began around the table in my high school cafeteria. My friends and I were talking about men and “what would it be like to be the only woman on the planet?” At first, it didn’t sound so bad. This woman wouldn’t struggle to get a date for the prom. But as we talked, the conversation got much darker. Her fertility would be a natural resource. And with the laws of supply and demand, she would be hunted, losing her freedom to choose where to live, how to live, etc. This idea for a story bubbled around in my brain for decades before I wrote the first word.

3. What is the greatest challenge you face as a writer?

With my background in journalism, I didn’t have experience with character development and scene building. It showed. 😉 Writing short stories is a great way to make mistakes and learn. My early stuff was packed with action, but readers didn’t feel a connection with my protagonists. Most authors aim for a balance between character development and moving the plot along. That line can be hard for new writers to find.

4. Tell us about your latest writing project?

I am writing the sequel to Freezing Reign along with some other projects. Last month, I helped my son write and publish a children’s book, The Gooser & McScruff House. That was pure joy!

5. What one piece of advice would you give to a new writer who is just starting out?

Your first book will be less than perfect. Write it anyway. Don’t let perfection be the enemy of progress. The dream is to find a literary agent and land a “big book deal.” But with self-publishing through Amazon and IngramSpark, that is no longer necessary. If you have talent, the tenacity to keep writing, and are willing to hire freelance professionals to help you, you can grow an audience that buys your book. Study the top sellers in your genre and give the outside of your book a similar style/vibe. And finally, don’t create your own cover unless you have years of design experience in the publishing world. It’s tragic when a good story is hidden inside an ugly cover.

Freezing Reign trailer

Author: andrewcareaga

Former higher ed PR and marketing guy at Missouri University of Science and Technology (Missouri S&T) now focused on freelance writing and editing and creative writing, fiction and non-fiction.

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